Technological Services
Hermasa’s technological vocation since its very first days has led it to become a knowledge reference within the sector. Hermasa is the main consultant of the world’s canning industry. Its representatives are called as speakers at the world’s leading forums on the sector and they constantly collect information provided by their customers worldwide to embark on research projects that end up in new patents that are ahead of the industry’s needs. In addition to its crucial Engineering and Design Department, Hermasa is key to the industry in its role as receiver of projects, studies and designs by other professionals who are unable to develop large pieces of equipment and put them into an experimental phase in a large network of customers worldwide.
General Query
Hermasa’s experience, which has accompanied the expansion and modernisation of the world’s leading canning brands, has consolidated it as a first rate reference for international public and private bodies and for specialised media.
Turnkey construction
For decades, Hermasa’s engineers have proven its prototypes in the canning industry’s installations for onsite observation of the efficiency of our equipment and technology. This is the best possible inspection. This provides us with first-hand information about our client’s needs. The ‘turnkey construction’ service arose from this experience. You tell us what the company requires, what resources it has, how your production is planned for the coming years and we will deliver a customised factory taking into account all the possible criteria: space, number of operators, products type, production capacity, automation levels for all processes for cost savings and ergonomics etc.

Customised designs
Hermasa’s capacity does not merely lie in designing and installing complete processing lines, but also in customising its own machines to special processes required by our customers. It is a question of developing customised products for each customer.
Machinery maintenance
Of course, we will accompany you for the rest of its life through the maintenance service.